Brain Health

Neurological disorders are on the rise-from ADHD to debilitating anxiety, depression, and dementia. However, there is a paradigm shift when it comes to brain health. 

Brain health is multifactorial and Dr. Cooke utilizes a whole-body approach that includes balancing the microbiome, adjusting lifestyle factors, repleting micronutrients, balancing out hormones, adjusting stress levels and sleep cycles, etc. 

Dr. Cooke also prescribes Synapsin.

Synapsin has shown to be a cutting edge treatment option if you're experiencing the following symptoms:

  • Brain Fog

  • Difficulty Concentrating

  • Brain Traumas

  • Adrenal Insufficiencies

  • Energy Issues such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

BENEFITS OF Synapsin include:

  • Mental Clarity

  • Decreased Stress

  • Heightened Concentration

  • Increased Energy

  • Greater Learning Ability

  • Enhanced Immune Responses

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